Sunday, June 26, 2011

Breathe (2am)

Hey guys!!! XD
So yesterday I had a lot of time to myself because my temporary room mate decided to go to her dads for a while.... *sigh*. So when I do have all that time to myself, I usually go inside of my head and think about things, and that makes me a little upset :(. When I get a little sad like that I always have something to take it out on. So when I woke up this morning, that made me think, how do other people take their bad energy and turn it into something else? Sooooo...... (drum roll please...) What do you do when your sad or upset about something? Also, how does it affect you afterward? What I do when I'm upset (in case you were wondering...) is write poetry or sometimes pretend to write letters to people. After I write something I usually feel like I got it out and its not  stuck inside of me anymore. Plz answer my questions!!!! I will be ur bestie 4eva!!! (possibly...)
<3 Tweety

P.S. This is a pic of me with my poetry book (right) and my letter book (left) :)
P.P.S. Im starting to put my titles as the song I'm listening to while I'm writing this. Good idea right! (I'm proud of myself for my idea :D)


  1. Well when I'm sad or upset usually I try singing or memorizing a new song I like. Afterward I always feel like all the bad energy inside of me is gone. So I guess it works pretty well.

    P.S. Most recent song I memorized and did not sing too badly was Look At Me Now by Chris Brown.

  2. haha that song is always stuck in my head..... btw tell kyla bout my blog so far ur the only one commenting....grrrr
