Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Question! 5/31 Actually try and answer.....plz?

Today was a pretty normal day, it was fun and not too dramatic. I had to stay after school an hour and so I decided to do my homework. Maybe about 15 minutes later 2 guys in my grade came over and started talking. They were talking about different girls and what ever 14 year old boys talk about. Then they start talking about me (I guess because I'm sitting there). Then one of them say something that makes me think "BLOG!" He says, "Well she thinks that every guy is a douche-bag." (Btw, they think I can't hear them :p) (I also don't think every guy is a douche-bag, just so you know:D) So that made me think, do my actions at school make other people think of me in a different way? So my question for you is.....(drum roll please)..... Have you ever done something that makes others think of you in a bad way? what is it and why do you think that affected you? My answer to my question is that I guess that I can be mean to certain guys(Because they are annoying) and their friends so that might affect the way I'm seen to others. Pleassssseeee comment and answer!!!! if you do ill be your best friend!!! (maybe...)


  1. Um... well if your mean to them then they will think you are a mean person. To answer your question... I did something mean in the 6th grade one time that definitely changed how people treated me for awhile (and I regret it). I was sitting next to a boy I had a crush on and I knew he didn't like this one girl in my class. I didn't hate her, nor did I love her. I wanted to get on his good side and seem tough, so I said, " Yeah. I'm tired of hanging out with that group of girls. ____ (girls name) is always like 'oh my god boys!' and she is so petty." Little did I know she was sitting on the other side of my crush. "I'm right here!" she said, already starting to cry. The next week was a blur of her giving me dirty looks, ignoring me, and walking away as I apologized over and over again. Since she was popular, all the girls sided with her and I sat alone at lunch. Finally, I apologized whole-heartedly and she forgave me.
    THE END (I know it's long, but hey...)
